Is she a runner? Is she a track star? (aka The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet!)

If you're a dog owner, you know how much joy and companionship your furry friend can bring into your life. Your dog is more than just a pet – they're a member of your family. And just like any other family member, you want to keep them safe and protected at all times. One of the best ways to do that is by microchipping your dog.

Microchipping is a simple and safe procedure that involves implanting a tiny chip, about the size of a grain of rice, under your dog's skin. The chip contains a unique identification number that is linked to your contact information in a national registry. If your dog ever gets lost or stolen, a veterinarian or animal shelter can scan the chip to retrieve your contact information and reunite you with your beloved pet.

Here are just a few reasons why microchipping your dog is so important:

It increases the chances of being reunited with your lost dog

No one wants to think about their dog getting lost or stolen, but it can happen to anyone. In fact, it's estimated that one in three pets will go missing at some point in their lifetime. And unfortunately, not all lost dogs are found and returned to their owners. By microchipping your dog, you increase the chances of being reunited with them if they ever go missing.

It's a permanent form of identification

Unlike collars and tags, which can fall off or be removed, a microchip is a permanent form of identification that stays with your dog for life. This means that even if your dog loses their collar or tags, they can still be identified and returned to you.

It's quick and painless

The microchipping procedure is quick and painless, similar to a routine vaccination. Your dog may feel a brief moment of discomfort, but it's generally well-tolerated and doesn't require any anesthesia.

It's affordable

Microchipping is a relatively inexpensive procedure, especially when you consider the peace of mind it provides. Many animal shelters and rescue organizations offer low-cost microchipping services, so it's easy to find a provider in your area.

It's required by law in some areas

In some states and cities, microchipping is required by law for all dogs. Even if it's not required in your area, microchipping is still a smart and responsible choice for any dog owner.

Microchipping your dog is an easy and effective way to keep them safe and ensure that you'll be reunited with them if they ever go missing. If you haven't already, consider scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian or local animal shelter to have your dog microchipped. You'll be glad you did!

Don’t forget to check your information yearly in the database and make sure it’s up-to-date.

Emancipet offers microchipping for only $20. Click here for more information: EMANCIPET